Monday, 09 December 2019

Infinispan 10.1.0.CR1

Dear Infinispan community,

as we are closing in on 10.1, we have been working on a lot of polishing and bugfixing.


  • The new console has received a lot of improvements,

  • A new welcome page

  • A command-line switch to specify an alternate logging configuration file


The query components have been reorganized so that they are more modular.


  • The introduction of histogram and timer metrics.


  • The REST cache store has been updated to use the v2 RESTful API.

Removals and deprecations

  • The old RESTful API (v1) has been removed

  • The Infinispan Lucene Directory has been deprecated.

  • The memcached protocol server has been deprecated. If you were relying on this, come and talk to us about working on a binary protocol implementation.

Bug fixes, clean-ups and documentation

Over 40 issues fixed including a lot of documentation updates. See the full list of changes and fixes

Get it, Use it, Ask us!

Please download, report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on StackOverflow.

Infinispan 10.1.0.Final is scheduled for December the 20th.

Posted by Tristan Tarrant on 2019-12-09
Tags: release candidate release

Monday, 17 September 2018

Infinispan 9.4.0.CR3, 9.3.3 and codename vote

Hi Infinispan Community,

our original plan was to release 9.4 Final today, but we have decided to delay the release by an extra sprint (3 weeks). So today we are announcing 9.4.0.CR3 instead, which comes with the following fixes:

  • Segmented off-heap data container

  • Performance improvements for Near Caches

  • Hot Rod client-side statistics

  • Removal of the old compatibility mode in favor of the new transcoding capabilities is now complete

  • Server rebased on top of WildFly 14

  • Lots of code cleanups, especially around query

  • Bug fixes

For those of you on our stable branch, we also released a 9.3.3 with some bug fixes.

Please download, report bugs, chat with us, ask questions on the forum or on StackOverflow.

As this release is yet unnamed, please make sure you vote for the name:


Posted by Tristan Tarrant on 2018-09-17
Tags: release release candidate

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Infinispan 9.3.2.Final and 9.4.0.CR2 are out!

Dear Infinispan users,

We have just released 9.3.2.Final and 9.4.0.CR2.

9.3.2.Final includes bug fixes and improvements.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Upgrade to protostream 4.2.1.Final (ISPN-9399

  • Ship basic analyzers by default (ISPN-9429

  • Avoid unneeded parentheses in Ickle query string generated by QueryBuilder (ISPN-9378

The full list of 9.3.2.Final fixes are here.

9.4.0.CR2 has been released due to an internal issue we experienced releasing CR1.

You can find both releases on our download page. Please report any issues in our issue tracker and join the conversation in our Zulip Chat to shape up our next release.


The Infinispan Team

Posted by Katia Aresti on 2018-08-30
Tags: release final release candidate

Monday, 27 August 2018

Infinispan 9.4.0.CR1 is out!

Dear Infinispan users,

We have just released 9.4.0.CR1 which includes bug fixes and improvements.

Highlights of this release include:

  • Near cache and client side TTL (ISPN-9098

  • Allow configuring near cache from hot rod properties (ISPN-9385

  • Initial support for JSON format in scripts 

  • Default analyzers are provided to use with remote queries (ISPN-9429

  • Prevent user from configuring passivation with a shared store (ISPN-7168

  • Enhance RemoteStore to support segmentation (ISPN-9376

  • Upgrade to RxJava 2.2.0 (ISPN-9418

  • Hot Rod configuration properties have setters now to ease integration with other frameworks (ISPN-9398

The full list of 9.4.0.CR1 fixes are here.

You can find the release on our download page. Please report any issues in our issue tracker and join the conversation in our Zulip Chat to shape up our next release.


The Infinispan Team

Posted by Katia Aresti on 2018-08-27
Tags: release release candidate

Monday, 04 June 2018

Infinispan 9.3.0.CR1

Dear Infinispan Community,

we’re glad to announce that 9.3.0.CR1 is out!

This is the first release which works with both Java 8 and Java 10. Pre-releases of Java 11 work too. Note that Infinispan still only works in classpath mode.

Highlights of this release include:

Expanded transaction support in Hot Rod, which can now participate in Java transactions via Sync or Xa enlistment. Transaction recovery isn’t supported yet.

Caches can now configure the maximum number of attempts to start a CacheWriter/CacheLoader on startup before cache creation fails.

Write-behind stores are now fault-tolerant by default

Segmented On-Heap Data Container improves stream operation performance

We have introduced several WildFly feature packs to make it easier for Infinispan to be utilised on WildFly instances via the Server Provisioning Plugin. The following feature packs have been created:

  • infinispan-feature-pack-client: all of the modules required to connect to a hotrod server via the client

  • infinispan-feature-pack-embedded: the modules required for embedded instances of Infinispan

  • infinispan-feature-pack-embedded-query: the same as above but with query capabilities

  • infinispan-feature-pack-wf-modules: this is equivalent to the

2-Level cache now works with Hibernate ORM 5.3

The server now allows multiple protocols with a Single Port. The initial version supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Hot Rod. Switching protocols can be done using TLS/ALPN and HTTP/1.1 Upgrade header.

Admin console - improved all editors (schema, scripts, JSON data) to include syntax highlighting

Component Upgrades: Hibernate Search 5.10 and Hibernate ORM 5.3

Numerous bug fixes which improve stability are also included (here is the full list of the solved issues).

As usual, you can find all the bits on our website. If you find any issues, don’t hesitate to report them on our issue tracker.

Posted by rigazilla on 2018-06-04
Tags: release release candidate

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Infinispan 9.2.0.CR3

This should have been the announcement for Final, but we discovered a number of performance regressions as well as a few important bugs that needed fixing. We also slipped in a few features and improvements. So, without further ado, here’s what is new and noteworthy in Infinispan 9.2.0.CR3:

Various component upgrades

  • Netty 4.1.21

  • Hibernate Search 5.9.0.Final

  • Protostream to 4.2.0.CR1


  • Azure discovery

  • Use async ops in the Hot Rod server

  • Simplified client configuration when security is enabled

Lots of documentation updates

  • REST server changes

  • Data Encoding

  • Server tasks

And many bugfixes

Get your artifacts from maven, the distributions from our download page, the fixed issues from our issue tracker and read the updated documentation. Come and talk to us on IRC (#infinispan on Freenode) or ask questions on the forum.

Posted by Tristan Tarrant on 2018-02-21
Tags: release release candidate

Friday, 02 February 2018

Infinispan 9.2.0.CR2 is out!

The Infinispan team is proud to announce that Infinispan 9.2.0.CR2 has been released!

New and noteworthy in this release:

  • [ISPN-8641] Wildfly 11 support

  • [ISPN-8715] Local counters

  • [ISPN-8695] Creation of caches from remote clients with custom configuration

  • [ISPN-8427] Support for non-String keys in the REST server

  • [ISPN-8619] Java Hot Rod client rewritten using Netty

For more details, consult the release notes.

As we approach the final version release quickly, users are encouraged to try it and send feedback. So, please head over to the download page and try it out. Or if you prefer you can run using Docker with:

    docker run -it jboss/infinispan-server:9.2.0.CR2

If you have any issues, please report it in our bug tracker, ask us on the forum, or join us for a friendly chat on the #infinispan IRC channel on Freenode.


Posted by Gustavo on 2018-02-02
Tags: release release candidate

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Infinispan 9.0.0.CR4


Dear Infinispan users, we thought CR3 was going to be the last candidate release before Final…​ but we were mistaken!

The reason for yet another CR is that we decided to make some changes which affect some default behaviours:

  • enabling optimistic transactions with repeatable read now turns on write-skew by default

  • retrieving an already configured cache by passing in a template doesn’t redefine that cache’s configuration

Other important changes:

  • big improvements to the client/server rolling upgrade process

  • allow indexes to be stored in off-heap caches

  • lots of bug fixes

For the full list of changes check the release notes, download the 9.0.0.CR4 release and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Cheers, The Infinispan team

Posted by Tristan Tarrant on 2017-03-22
Tags: release release candidate

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Hotrod clients C++/C# 8.1.0.CR2 released!


we’re pleased to announce that 8.1.0.CR2 release for C++/C# clients is out!

Check the release notes, focus was on bug fixes this round so you have the opportunity to download the cleanest code so far!

Spring cleaning will continue in the next release iteration, stay tuned and, if you like, take part signalling new issues here!


The Infinispan Team

Posted by rigazilla on 2017-03-15
Tags: c++ release c# release candidate

Wednesday, 08 March 2017

Infinispan 9.0.0.CR3 is out!

Dear users, the last release candidate for Infinispan 9 is out!

This milestone contains mostly bug fixes and documentation improvements ahead of 9.0.0.Final. Noteworthy changes:

  • Kubernetes Rolling Updates are fully supported

  • Infinispan Rolling Upgrades on Kubernetes is fully supported

  • Library updates: JGroups 4.0.1, Protostream 4.0.0.Alpha9, Log4j2 2.8.1

  • The deadlock detection hasn’t keep up with the improvements of our locking algorithm and has been removed.

  • Support for authentication in the Rest endpoint

For the full list of changes check the release notes, download the 9.0.0.CR3 release and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Cheers, The Infinispan team

Posted by Gustavo on 2017-03-08
Tags: release candidate



JUGs alpha as7 asymmetric clusters asynchronous beta c++ cdi chat clustering community conference configuration console data grids data-as-a-service database devoxx distributed executors docker event functional grouping and aggregation hotrod infinispan java 8 jboss cache jcache jclouds jcp jdg jpa judcon kubernetes listeners meetup minor release off-heap openshift performance presentations product protostream radargun radegast recruit release release 8.2 9.0 final release candidate remote query replication queue rest query security spring streams transactions vert.x workshop 8.1.0 API DSL Hibernate-Search Ickle Infinispan Query JP-QL JSON JUGs JavaOne LGPL License NoSQL Open Source Protobuf SCM administration affinity algorithms alpha amazon anchored keys annotations announcement archetype archetypes as5 as7 asl2 asynchronous atomic maps atomic objects availability aws beer benchmark benchmarks berkeleydb beta beta release blogger book breizh camp buddy replication bugfix c# c++ c3p0 cache benchmark framework cache store cache stores cachestore cassandra cdi cep certification cli cloud storage clustered cache configuration clustered counters clustered locks codemotion codename colocation command line interface community comparison compose concurrency conference conferences configuration console counter cpp-client cpu creative cross site replication csharp custom commands daas data container data entry data grids data structures data-as-a-service deadlock detection demo deployment dev-preview development devnation devoxx distributed executors distributed queries distribution docker documentation domain mode dotnet-client dzone refcard ec2 ehcache embedded embedded query equivalence event eviction example externalizers failover faq final fine grained flags flink full-text functional future garbage collection geecon getAll gigaspaces git github gke google graalvm greach conf gsoc hackergarten hadoop hbase health hibernate hibernate ogm hibernate search hot rod hotrod hql http/2 ide index indexing india infinispan infinispan 8 infoq internationalization interoperability interview introduction iteration javascript jboss as 5 jboss asylum jboss cache jbossworld jbug jcache jclouds jcp jdbc jdg jgroups jopr jpa js-client jsr 107 jsr 347 jta judcon kafka kubernetes lambda language learning leveldb license listeners loader local mode lock striping locking logging lucene mac management map reduce marshalling maven memcached memory migration minikube minishift minor release modules mongodb monitoring multi-tenancy nashorn native near caching netty node.js nodejs non-blocking nosqlunit off-heap openshift operator oracle osgi overhead paas paid support partition handling partitioning performance persistence podcast presentation presentations protostream public speaking push api putAll python quarkus query quick start radargun radegast react reactive red hat redis rehashing releaase release release candidate remote remote events remote query replication rest rest query roadmap rocksdb ruby s3 scattered cache scripting second level cache provider security segmented server shell site snowcamp spark split brain spring spring boot spring-session stable standards state transfer statistics storage store store by reference store by value streams substratevm synchronization syntax highlighting tdc testing tomcat transactions tutorial uneven load user groups user guide vagrant versioning vert.x video videos virtual nodes vote voxxed voxxed days milano wallpaper websocket websockets wildfly workshop xsd xsite yarn zulip

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